Windows based version Realese

1. Pre-Alpha: The first version came out and many features that are not available / bugs.

2. Alpha: improved version of the Pre-Alpha version and tested by the tester ato for developers but not tested by end-users.

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Windows based Processor Architecture

The existence of Windows 32-bit and 64-bit processor refers to the ability that can run this type of Windows. 64-bit Windows can only be installed on computers that have the ability processornya already 64-bit and 32-bit Windows can be installed either on the processor with the ability of 32-bit or 64-bit. Difference 32-bit versions and 64-bit software on a Windows This refers to the edition of Windows that is used, whether Windows 32-bit or 64-bit. A software designed for Windows 64-bit can only be used on Windows 64-bit, while the software is designed for Windows 32-bit still may be used on Windows 64-bit but does not apply to all software. 32-bit Windows can only use 4GB memory, while 64-bit Windows can use the memory berpuluhkali fold compared with 32-bit.
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Windows based version

1. N ( "N" stands for "Not with Windows Media Player") comes after Microsoft lost a court in 2005 with the European Antitrust Commission requires that Windows sales are not included with Windows Media Player, because Microsoft has deemed the sale of a monopoly with Windows Media Player Winodws, N versions of the issued and sold only to European markets.
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Windows based License

1. Retail jg called FPP (Full Package Product). Sold in the form of box-equipped COA certificate (proof of authenticity and hologram sticker form, wrote the serial number of windows) they will be in the box, the box should be kept for they will show originality reply windows are used. If there is hardware in exchange ato yg broken, then reinstall windows, so at the moment to re-validation, the series will continue to apply. Substitution hardware limit given only a few times.
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Computer Based Information System (CBIS)

Computer Based Information System (CBIS) is a data processing system into a high-quality information and can be used as tools that support decision-making, coordination and control as well as visualization and analysis. Some terms related to CBIS include data, information, systems, information systems and computer base. Here's an explanation of each term. Data Data is the description of things and events that we find. So in essence, is the fact that the data describing an event and a real unity that will be used as a basic ingredient information. Information Information is the result of processing the data into a form that is more useful for illustrating receiving a real events and can be used as a tool for making a decision. 
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