Material and Energy transport in organisms

Every multicellular organisms would require water and nutrients from the environment and the metabolic waste released into the environment. Water and nutrients required can not be obtained directly by all the organs. Therefore there is need for systems that carry the substance of the organ to the absorption of organs that need. In plant cell protoplasm has a plasma, whereas in animal cells are the cell plasma membrane of cells. Plasma cells or cell membranes have the ability to regulate the flow of fluid from the environment of a good cell into the cell or out of cells selectively. There are two fisiokimia process of diffusion and osmosis (Kimball, 1992).

Transport in plants is very important is photosynthesis. Fotositesis activity is the process of formation or kmia energy by forming organic compounds and are anorgank by Using the sun, where no ray will not happen matahar photosynthesis process. As for understanding the evolution of photosynthesis is light driven, water and energy storage resulting reduction in the various other components that make up the carbon micro-organism (Wilkina, 1992).

       Osmosis is the movement of water from the solution molekol a high water concentration to a low concentrated solution through a membrane smipermiable or selectively permeable (Syamsuri, 2000).

        Plasmolysis is the process of separation of protoplasm from the cell wall caused by water seeping in from vakoula el, and to return the opposite process is required, namely deplasmolisis (Kimball, 1992).

        Red blood cells must be in a state that sotonik, if not going to happen that isebut Crenation pengkerutan, whereas when in the solution will experience swelling hipertonk. Then broke out and resulted in red hemoglobin, this event is called hemolysis (Wilkina, 2000).

Cell protoplasm in plants and has a plasma membrane of animal cells capable of selectively regulate the flow of cells from the fluid environment of a cell into the cell or vice versa. There are two important processes fisiokimia, namely diffusion and osmosis, with the process stated osmoses of a permeable membrane, semipermiable, or impermiable. Transport systems in plants involves a process dfusi, osmosis, and active transport (Saktiyono, 2000).

        Plants take food and water in the form of mineral salts dissolved in it and the O2 and CO2 from the environment. Capture and transport of food going through the process of diffusion, osmosis, and Active transport. Substances and the dangers of chemical water through the roots, while the gases O2 and CO2 through the leaves. Substance that is needed and the rest of giant metabolism need to be transported. Transportation system is very pentig for plants and animals associated with the mass of the organism. Transportation is happening in the body of animals and plants occur in active or passive (D. Dwidjoseputro, 1986).

        Molecules of water as a solvent slightly, while the large solute molecules. Thus, when viewed from the osmotic solution hipertonis, in fact also review the water molecules in the solution (Saktiyono, 2000).

        Diffusion is a physical event which is very useful for plant life. Diffusion occurs because of relief of concentration, which diusi pressure menmbulkan, then with dmikian ifusi can dideinisikan as movement of liquid molecules from high concentration solution to a solution of low concentration yag (Kimball, 1992).

          Active transport is the transport of substances through the barriers in a way that a membrane is impermiable which allegedly plasmalenia to use energy from ATP (Kimball, 1992).

         Imbibisi the event of water absorption by the surface is hydrophilic substances, so-zt substances such as proteins, starches, gelatin, gelatin can expand the After absorbing water (Kimball, 1992).
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Differences Powerpoint and Openoffice impres

Microsoft Powerpoint and Openoffice Impress does have some similar functions. However, the similarities are there are some differences that we often do not realize it.

Differences microsoft powerpoint and openoffice impress which is located on several things, among others:

- Microsoft powerpoint is paid while the application openoffice Impress is free software that can be used freely
- In Microsoft powerpoint, when we first opened, it will feel a little confused because it was not equipped with features that can help us make the slide quickly and easily. While there are at openoffice Impress Wizard, which help facility. With this facility, we can make the presentation slides quickly and easily.
- Microsoft powerpoint has tools that sometimes difficult to access. To access these tools we need time. Whereas with openoffice impress, tools provided can be easily seen and used so that we can work on the presentation slides easily and quickly.
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How to create a hyperlink on OpenOffice.Org

In there is a hyperlink openoffice impress.

How to create a hyperlink described as follows:
- Select menu insert -> Hyperlink
- We can choose the type of hyperlink to type anything, which is like the Internet, mail & news, document, and the new document.
- For the Internet, we can put the url address in the target column, and then select apply.
- To mail & news, we can put the name of the receiver and the subject of each column, then select Apply
- To document or new document, we can put the address of its place in the path field and select Apply
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Radix Sort Method

Radix Sorting is a method of sorting a set sequence value without making comparisons to the data entered. Radix can be interpreted as digits or positions in a number. Radix Sort is a sorting algorithm is quick, easy, and very effective.

The process of radix sort algorithm is:
• Divide data set into sub-sets of data based on the value of radixnya
• Integrating the subset-subset into one set back (just a konkatenasi) for the next division is done based on a more significant radix
• Perform data distribution process in this way from the start radix of the least significant to most significant so that the data generated sequences.

Radix Sort algorithm is one of the Non-Comparasion Sort (sorting without comparisons). The process is done in this method is to classify the data according to specific categories of sequences, and each category is the classification again, and so on as needed, then a subcategory, the combined category again.
Radix can be literally interpreted as the position of the numbers, because this method first sort the input values based on first radix and radix sorting is based on both, and so on. In the decimal system, the radix is decimal digits.

 Radix sort algorithm is an algorithm that stable (stable), because if there is the same data, the data always be on the first sequence will be called followed by the same data at the next sequence.
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How to create a destructive program

Authors concerned with the newbie who is learning programming as well as the author also
concerned with the progammer who are not familiar with BASIC language (mostly understandable progammer the direct jump to Pascal, C and others).

Destroyer program (such as a virus) is the desire most computer novices,
but how they could make if they do not know the programming language at all,
you are not anxious for this problem because the current writers will teach you how to
destroyer program (such as viruses) are very simple but very deadly
could even say more dreadful than any destroyer program.

First skill you need is a DOS base, without it you will be hard to
creative in making this program but if you do not know the basic DOS commands you
just copy paste it, the programming language we will use the Turbo Basic v1.0, you
can download it on Google or search dirental CD.

If you are blind Turbo Basic programming then you go to Edit and then you write Source Code
destroyer program.

shell "DOS Command"

the beginning said shell then you can run DOS commands on the program, for example your

shell "c:"
shell "cd \"
shell "del"

Above is an example of deleting Classic DOS with DOS, Windows 95/98, allowing users
the computer can not boot, we demonstrated the others.

shell "c:"
shell "cd \"
shell "deltree / y mydocu ~ 1"
shell "deltree / y windows"
shell "deltree / y progra ~ 1"

Above is an example of deleting Directory My Document, Windows and Program Files, so fatal is not it?

Once you have finished making program then you save first, how to select File and then Save
then name the file eg VIRUS.BAS, only then we compile the source code earlier,
how to select Options and select Compile to EXE files, after it went into compiling options
then you enter, the source code will be EXE file.

If the EXE file is run then your computer will run at the DOS command
program, from the tutorial above, you can create for yourself how your artificial virus
can be run in accordance with your wish, please note that NO ONE THERE ANTIVIRUS
In this world CAN THIS PROGRAM DETECTING VIRUSES ARE copied so you are free programs
this to any computer unless you like non-DOS-based computer or Windows, hehe

The purpose of this tutorial is to make us more aware of the various files with
although the extension *. exe *. exe files are 100% virus-free expressed from various
Antivirus type.
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The human brain contains millions of nerve cells (neurons). Each cell works like a simple processor. Each of these cells interact with each other in a "unique" that support the ability of the human brain works.


How to open 2 different accounts in 1 browser

If we want to open two different accounts, usually the way we do is open it with a different browser.
Now, with add-ons CookiePie (only for Firefox browser) you can open a Facebook account 2 with one browser.

how to install:
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Windows based version Realese

1. Pre-Alpha: The first version came out and many features that are not available / bugs.

2. Alpha: improved version of the Pre-Alpha version and tested by the tester ato for developers but not tested by end-users.

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Windows based Processor Architecture

The existence of Windows 32-bit and 64-bit processor refers to the ability that can run this type of Windows. 64-bit Windows can only be installed on computers that have the ability processornya already 64-bit and 32-bit Windows can be installed either on the processor with the ability of 32-bit or 64-bit. Difference 32-bit versions and 64-bit software on a Windows This refers to the edition of Windows that is used, whether Windows 32-bit or 64-bit. A software designed for Windows 64-bit can only be used on Windows 64-bit, while the software is designed for Windows 32-bit still may be used on Windows 64-bit but does not apply to all software. 32-bit Windows can only use 4GB memory, while 64-bit Windows can use the memory berpuluhkali fold compared with 32-bit.
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Windows based version

1. N ( "N" stands for "Not with Windows Media Player") comes after Microsoft lost a court in 2005 with the European Antitrust Commission requires that Windows sales are not included with Windows Media Player, because Microsoft has deemed the sale of a monopoly with Windows Media Player Winodws, N versions of the issued and sold only to European markets.
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Windows based License

1. Retail jg called FPP (Full Package Product). Sold in the form of box-equipped COA certificate (proof of authenticity and hologram sticker form, wrote the serial number of windows) they will be in the box, the box should be kept for they will show originality reply windows are used. If there is hardware in exchange ato yg broken, then reinstall windows, so at the moment to re-validation, the series will continue to apply. Substitution hardware limit given only a few times.
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Computer Based Information System (CBIS)

Computer Based Information System (CBIS) is a data processing system into a high-quality information and can be used as tools that support decision-making, coordination and control as well as visualization and analysis. Some terms related to CBIS include data, information, systems, information systems and computer base. Here's an explanation of each term. Data Data is the description of things and events that we find. So in essence, is the fact that the data describing an event and a real unity that will be used as a basic ingredient information. Information Information is the result of processing the data into a form that is more useful for illustrating receiving a real events and can be used as a tool for making a decision. 
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Bresenham algorithm

Line is a collection of dots arranged in such a way that has the base and tip. A point on the screen located at the position (x, y), to describe the plot of a pixel corresponds to the position.

Appearance of lines on a computer screen-resolution distinguished by nya.-state pixel resolution is contained in a particular area Example: 640x480 resolution, meaning the screen is 640 pixels kompuer the column and 480 pixels per baris.-resolution can also be divided into coarse, medium and fine. To show or describe lines on the screen takes at least 2 points (endpoint), the beginning and end points.
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Java Script : Delete all Duplicates in Two Arrays

Here I will give some way to sort the data in java script programming language.

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language used to enable programmatic access to objects within both the client application and other applications. It is primarily used in the form of client-side JavaScript, implemented as an integrated component of the web browser, allowing the development of enhanced user interfaces and dynamic websites. JavaScript is a dialect of the ECMAScript standard and is characterized as a dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based language with first-class functions. JavaScript was influenced by many languages and was designed to look like Java, but to be easier for non-programmers to work with.

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Tips and Tricks Windows 7

In windows 7, we can find some secret tips and tricks to make ease of use.
Here are some tips and tricks windows 7:

  1. Windows key + Left: docks current window to the left side of the screen.
  2. Windows key + Right: docks current window to the right side of the screen.
  3. Windows key + Up: maximizes and/or restores foreground window.
  4. Windows key + Down: minimizes active window.
Read More - Tips and Tricks Windows 7

Vitamin D Food Sources

Having sufficient levels of vitamin D is important throughout our lives. Vitamin D regulates how calcium is absorbed into the body. Children who do not have adequate levels of vitamin D will develop Rickets, which makes their bones soft and unable to support their weight. As adults we want healthy bones to prevent osteoporosis and broken hips.
Read More - Vitamin D Food Sources

Vitamins For Energy

We need all vitamins and minerals for good health, well being and energy.
However, particular nutrient deficiencies are associated with reduced energy and chronic tiredness. These include iron, magnesium, B12 and folic acid. We will explore each of these nutrients; how they contribute to tiredness; how to test their levels in the body; and symptoms of a deficiency.

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HIV AIDS Infection

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a serious condition that weakens the body's immune system, leaving it unable to fight off illness.

AIDS is the last stage in a progression of diseases resulting from a viral infection known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV or AIDS virus). The diseases include a number of unusual and severe infections, cancers and debilitating illnesses, resulting in severe weight loss or wasting away, and diseases affecting the brain and central nervous system.

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Knowledge About AIDS

You've probably heard of the AIDS virus.  Most people have.  Unfortunately, most people don't really know what it is.  They know that it kills people, but that's about it.  And they often have all sorts of ideas about the virus that are just simply not true.  It is very important that the right information about AIDS and HIV gets out there.  A good education about the virus can help many people avoid getting sick.

Read More - Knowledge About AIDS

Causes of Down Syndrome

You did not do anything to cause your child to have Down syndrome. Down syndrome may affect anyone. The risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases as a women's age increases. Your child's Down syndrome may have happened through any of the following:

A normal sex cell with one chromosome 21 is joined by an abnormal sex cell with two chromosome 21's.
A piece of chromosome 21 breaks off and joins another chromosome pair.
A problem occurred after fertilization where a normal cell divides and ends up with more chromosomes than normal.
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AIDS are

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS or Aids) is a set of symptoms and infections resulting from the damage to the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors. HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk.This transmission can involve anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding, or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids.

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