The existence of Windows 32-bit and 64-bit processor refers to the ability that can run this type of Windows. 64-bit Windows can only be installed on computers that have the ability processornya already 64-bit and 32-bit Windows can be installed either on the processor with the ability of 32-bit or 64-bit. Difference 32-bit versions and 64-bit software on a Windows This refers to the edition of Windows that is used, whether Windows 32-bit or 64-bit. A software designed for Windows 64-bit can only be used on Windows 64-bit, while the software is designed for Windows 32-bit still may be used on Windows 64-bit but does not apply to all software. 32-bit Windows can only use 4GB memory, while 64-bit Windows can use the memory berpuluhkali fold compared with 32-bit.
In order that we can get the benefits of 64-bit systems, both software and hardware must support. 32-bit software can run on 64-bit hardware can not take advantage of the excess 64-bit architecture. (Software will only use 32-bit mode)
In contrast, 64-bit software can not walk in the 32-bit hardware for a wide need for 64-bit registers can not be met.
Windows 64-bit effect sooner than 32-bit when:
1. Memory in use = or more than 4GB
2. Used for graphics processing software, processing of audio / video and large databases.
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