Radix Sorting is a method of sorting a set sequence value without making comparisons to the data entered. Radix can be interpreted as digits or positions in a number. Radix Sort is a sorting algorithm is quick, easy, and very effective.
The process of radix sort algorithm is:
• Divide data set into sub-sets of data based on the value of radixnya
• Integrating the subset-subset into one set back (just a konkatenasi) for the next division is done based on a more significant radix
• Perform data distribution process in this way from the start radix of the least significant to most significant so that the data generated sequences.
Radix Sort algorithm is one of the Non-Comparasion Sort (sorting without comparisons). The process is done in this method is to classify the data according to specific categories of sequences, and each category is the classification again, and so on as needed, then a subcategory, the combined category again.
Radix can be literally interpreted as the position of the numbers, because this method first sort the input values based on first radix and radix sorting is based on both, and so on. In the decimal system, the radix is decimal digits.
Radix sort algorithm is an algorithm that stable (stable), because if there is the same data, the data always be on the first sequence will be called followed by the same data at the next sequence.